Announcing the Faith ON Campus FALL FORUM



I’m excited to announce The 2013 Faith ON Campus FALL FORUM.

This two-day event will be held on the campus of Belmont University, in Nashville, TN on October 23rd & 24th, 2013.

This year’s event will feature extended conversations with author and leadership guru, Dr. Tim Elmore.

Those of us who work closely with today’s college students know that they are in the midst of some of the most formative years in life — and yet many are struggling to take advantage of the incredible opportunities that lay before them.

They need help.

They need you — and me.

They need mentors who are trained and equipped to come alongside them and help them better navigate this critical season of life.

That’s why I’m dedicated to seeing this brand new event be a SUCCESS!

During our two days together in Nashville, pastors, parents, professors, coaches, directors, and mentors will come together to consider the unique challenges and opportunities present with regards to leading this current generation of college students, and hopefully leave with some practical solutions tailored to their unique setting.

You can read more about the event here:

You can read more about our featured guest, Dr. Tim Elmore, here:

I also want you to know that I am offering a significantly reduced rate of $79 from now through May 31st!

And since I know how precious “conference dollars” can be in a lean budget, I’m going to offer you a FULL money back guarantee — because I’m SO convinced in how God is leading for this event!

That’s right! A money back guarantee.

If you attend and don’t find our two days together to be meaningful to your work and ministry with students, I’ll give you your money back — no questions asked.

SO, would you do me a favor and go over to the Facebook Event Page for the Faith ON Campus FALL FORUM and — at the very least — mark yourself as a “Maybe Attending.”

And then would you click on the “Invite Friends” button and invite any friends or colleagues that you think might benefit from this event.

It’s hard to get the word out for new events like this one — so I’m relying on you to help spread the word throughout your circles.

God is up to some great things!

And I’m excited to see how He will use our two days together in October to further our reach on campus — and overall imprint on the world.