Are Long-Distance Relationships Better???

long distance love

With 7 out of every 10 students claiming to have been in a long-distance relationship at some point, they are probably something we should know more about.

Long-distance relationships are not new, but advances in technology have made staying connected to high school sweethearts — or significant others from a previous school — a lot easier.

Instant Messenger and email were the newest technologies for attempting such a thing 20 years ago.

Today, students utilize texting, Skype, Facetime, and the like to connect with their long-distance love.

These same advances in technology have even made it possible to begin a relationship with someone you’ve never physically met in person. Be it on Facebook or Twitter, or even online dating sites — students no longer feel limited to the community of individuals geographically located on their campus.

Yet, what do we really know about long-distance relationships???

And how do we assist these students when we typically only get to see one side of the relationship.

Check out the infographic below — and make specific note of:

1. some of the “predictors of success” for long-distance relationships, as well as

2. the challenge of idealization.

Science_of_Relationships_LDR_infographicWhat did you find most enlightening within this infographic?

How do you assist students in long-distance relationships?

And how is that different from what you might offer your students who are engaged in a relationship with someone else on campus?

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