WINNERS of the Book Cover Contest!

A BIG THANKS to all of you who took the time to cast your vote for which cover we should use on my new book!

We had well over 100 respondents — and some great feedback on both covers — that our publishing team will be working through.

I can imagine that which ever cover wins, it will be improved upon based on the comments you shared — so THANK YOU!

Now, the winners of the book cover contest are:

Back to Blogging

When I started my blog in 2006, I was planning on blogging 4-6 times a month. Unfortunately, over the last two years, I’ve been largely dormant on the blogging front. I won’t bore you with what’s taken precedence, but I’ve decided that in 2013, it’s time to fire up my blog and get it started again. I hope that there might be some things of interest to readers of Faith on Campus.

In the coming year, here’s what you can expect to see:

I’m Giving Away 5 Tickets to the Faith ON Campus Summer Institute!

Win your way to the 2013 Faith ON Campus Summer Institute!

That’s right, I’m giving away 5 tickets to this inaugural event, and you could win one of them.

Here’s the deal — I need your help spreading the word about this upcoming event — so I’m going to give you the opportunity to tweet, post, and share your way into the drawing that will be held on the last day of every month.

The rules are simple:


I value your opinion — and am even willing to pay for it! 😉

If you click here, it will take you to a two-minute survey that basically ask you to identify which of the two covers you like best — and why.

At the end of the survey you can leave you email address, and when the polls close — next Wednesday, January 16th at noon, I will randomly draw 10 email addresses from all that were submitted. Winners will save a FREE autographed copy from the first printing of this book!

A Cure for the Stressed Life of a College Student

A cure for the stressed life of a college student — REALLY!?!?!

I think we’d be the most popular office on campus if we professed to posses such a golden ticket — because we can all testify to the fact that we hear our students complain about this far more than we hear them complain about anything (or even everything) else.

Our students struggling — and they need our help.

I recently ran across this INFOGRAPHIC depicting the many things that today’s college students are stressing about… and a rather surprising set of cures for the student who feels too busy, broke, lonely, and/or stressed to keep it all together.

Navigating the Potholes of Leadership (in the Year Ahead)

I recently ran across this quote while re-reading Parker Palmer’s, Let Your Life Speak:

We will become better teachers not by trying to fill the potholes in our souls but by knowing them so well that we can avoid falling into them. (Parker Palmer, Let Your Life Speak, p. 52)

As I read and re-read those words, something resonated deep within me, and I was able to see how these wise words apply for beyond the scope of teaching — to touch most of life really.

Given the work that we do with students, my first thought was to replace the word teachers in the aforementioned quote, with the word leaders (or pastors or equippers:

Overcoming the Curse of Our Age

It’s a new year, which means that a new season of ministry with students is upon us.

And as we’ve launched into 2013, I’ve generated a new reading list, and decided to start the year by re-reading a couple of classics.

One of my first re-reads of the year is Richard Foster’s, Celebration of Discipline.

I couldn’t venture a guess as to the number of times that I’ve worked through this book. The first time I read it I was in grad. school — and it changed my life! Since then I’ve re-read it several times on my own, and led numerous groups through it as a way of learning to work on the interior life.

Top Posts of December 2012

December is always a little quieter month here at by comparison to the rest — and this year was no exception.

With the conclusion of the fall semester, preparations for the Christmas holiday, and a paternity leave on top of all that — I posted far fewer posts last month then I have in the two and a half years I’ve been blogging.

But you still showed up! Scanning the Archives, combing back through recent articles that you may have missed, and even enjoying the few new ones I posted — you hopefully found the resources you were looking for as you closed out a fall of ministry, and began to think towards the year ahead.

Below is a list of the Top 10 most viewed posts from the month of December.*

Top Posts of All-Time

Hey! Thanks for stopping by! My name is Guy and I’m the primary author and curator of this site.

Over the course of the past two and a half years I’ve enjoyed hosting a wide-range of conversations exploring the convergence of Christ, culture, and the college experience.

Below is a list of the TOP 10 most viewed posts of all-time.

They are a sampling of the more than 650 posts that can be accessed in the Archives.

2012’s Top 12 Posts

Wow! It’s been another great year here at

Thanks to all of you who helped to shape these conversations, challenge my thinking, and push me into new realms of research and praxis in the world of college ministry.

Here are the TOP 12 most viewed posts of the year!