How’s your heart?
What’s the condition of your heart?
These are important questions for leaders to ask — and honestly answer.
If we want to maximize our influence as a leader, we must tend to our heart.
Here are five truths about the heart that we must be willing to embrace:
1. Our heart is the essence of your identity.
2. Our heart is the most valuable leadership tool you have!
3. Our heart directly impacts your influence – your ministry cannot survive without your heart. It’s the greatest gift you bring to your team and organization.
4. Our heart is either healthy or unhealthy. It’s either open or closed (hardened). It matters whether our heart is open or closed.
5. Our heart is under constant attack. We do have an enemy whose constantly at work… trying to take us out! We must guard our heart!! When leaders fall we usually take a number of others with us. Friends are key to keeping the heart alive.
What would you add to this list about the heart?
Do you have any questions you consistently ask yourself to help assess the state of your heart?
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