Just Keep Breathing: 3 Reasons You Should Consider Seminary

I remember a pastor once referred to seminary as “cemetery” because “that’s where promising pastors go to die.” Like most maxims, I’m sure there was a kernel of truth in that statement somewhere. But seminary isn’t just for pastors anymore. Nor is it only for people with plans to enter into full-time, paid ministry.

People from all walks of life with all different kinds of aspirations are increasingly entering into seminary as an opportunity to work out their “callings.” What about you? Could seminary be right for you? Making that determination is as simple as taking a breath.

Spiritual Mentoring | A Resource for Equipping the Saints

Have you ever wondered how you might multiply the efforts of your ministry on campus? I have.

And after 6 years of hard work on the same campus I heard a colleague express something that unlocked a part of the mystery for me in this area…

His statement was something to the effects of:

Student after student, when asked “what made your experience at BU so significant?,” shared a rendition of the same answer: it was the meaningful relationships that they formed.

And almost to a person, they would identify a faculty or staff person who had taken some intentional time to be with them — to be a listener, someone who asked good questions, an encourager, someone who challenged or pushed them, a shoulder to cry on, a mentor, a teacher of life — a friend.