Catalyst Conference and Bloggers Meetup

Next week I’ll be pushing my introverted self to my outer limits, as I once again brave the crowd for the 2012 Catalyst Conference.

I consider it a good exercise in putting aside my own desires (to only be in rooms containing a small number of people — ideally, people I know to some degree), in order to hear from some of the leading thinkers and practioners in Christian ministry, as well as to connect with friends — many of whom I’ve only ever connected with online.

So if you’re going, I’d love to find a time and place to connect.

And if you’re a blogger, or dabble in blogging, or are thinking about starting a blog some day, you may want to consider joining a much smaller crowd on Wednesday evening (Oct. 3rd) at the Atlanta Bloggers Meetup.

Announcing The Art of Self Leadership Blogathon [Oct. 23-25]

Preparation for the next Blogathon are now underway!

The Art of Self Leadership Blogathon will be a chance for us to talk together about our need to lead self — while faithfully living out our call to lead others. As leaders, we often put our own needs aside in order to focus on those around us. But in order for us to be the effective, healthy, and durable leaders we desire to be, we need to be wise, intentional, and strategic with regard to how we manage our time, establish and protect different boundaries, approach our work, and faithfully live out our call to serve others.

This time will be a chance to explore new ideas and best practices as it relates to our service as faithful leaders, as well as to engage in online conversation about some of the challenges or struggles we face in this area of Self Leadership.

If You Can Only Do A Few Things Well, What Will You Do?

How do you deal with your own limitations?

How do you struggle with the notion that you are called to be “all things, to all people?”

How do you live in the tension of wanting to be measured, peaceful, and sane — when expectations (both internal and external) seem to dictate that you do more, be more, and give more?

I think one of the challenges of being a good leader in our noisy culture is the ability to sense what we are called to do and be — and then focus primarily (if not solely) on those things.

7 Things I’ve Learned From Being on the Same Campus for 7 Years

You may have caught my post last week, reflecting on 15 Things I’ve Learned from 15 Years of College Ministry. If not, you should check it out!

Those 15 years have unfolded on four different campuses — but the last seven have been in the same place. And truth be told, I’m surprised that I’ve made it this long.

It’s not that I’m a bad employee — often at risk of getting fired. Nor is it that I dislike the place I work (or that I’ve previously worked) — all have been great! It has more to do with me — and my propensity for change.

In the past, I’ve enjoyed starting on a new campus, making new relationships, assessing what’s working — and what’s not, and then discerning how God wanted to use me in that place.

Failure is NOT Fatal; Perfection NOT a Requirement

It’s one of the biggest messages are student leaders need to hear this year:

Failure is NOT fatal; Perfection NOT a requirement.

Because the truth is that — for fear of failure — many of our students will struggle to really give themselves fully to their leadership roles this year.

Of course, this sounds counter-intuitive at first — but when we give less than our best, less than 100%, we’ve then got an excuse for when things don’t go well.

The Power of Intentional Mentorship

Every four years, I wait with anticipation for the start of the Summer Olympic Games. This year, the world watches the Olympic triumphs of athletes around the world in London.

When I watch these athletes compete and win medals, I am reminded that their journey is a process, not only a solitary moment on the world stage.

These committed athletes train relentlessly with the assistance of coaches intentionally providing strategy, tips and pointers along the way.

As it is with the athletes preparing for their Olympic moment, so it should be with the intentional developing of college students and young adults for the rest of their lives!

Announcing the Faith ON Campus Summer Institute

Greetings from our family mini-van — oh the power of technology, powered by thumbs!

We’re currently traveling through Wisconsin, on our way to see family and friends in Minnesota; but I needed to get one more post in before my vacation can officially begin.

If you read my post on Monday, then you learned about some exciting news regarding a couple of books I have in the works.

You would have also noted that at the bottom of that post I eluded to ANOTHER BIG ANNOUNCEMENT coming this week…

Well this is that announcement!

Faith ON Campus is excite to announce the creation of the Faith ON Campus Summer Institute!

Do You Know About Prezi?

Do you know about

It’s not brand new, I think I’ve been using it for about a year now — and for some reason it just dawned on me that I should share about it here, in case YOU haven’t ever experienced it.


Because it has totally revolutionized the way I do presentations (sorry if this sounds like an infomercial — I just like sharing cool stuff with cool people).

What is it?

We Should Hangout More Often

I can’t quite recall when the switch happened, but it was probably 4 or 5 years into my college ministry career when I started to look forward to conference more for the relational connections than for the conference content.

Do you know what I meant?

There’s just something about being with people who get what we do that’s so significant, so generative.

People of similar heart and mind, who feel called to reach college students with the Good News of Jesus Christ.