Frank Sinatra was the greatest motivator of change in the history of the world. He knew it was all about the Do Be Do Be Do.
OK, here we are at the beginning of a new school year. New students, new ideas, new initiatives, a clean slate… that’s the great thing about the beginning of a new school year. Every August or September, you get to start over. Now, remember, this is the year that is going to be different. All of those times last year when you found yourself trapped between the proverbial rock and hard place, you said things were going to be different “next year.” Well, this year is the “next year” you promised would be different. You see, if we don’t Do different, we won’t BE different. We become what we do. Our character is nothing more than the sum of our actions.
And here is the million dollar question: What are you going to DO differently this year so this year will BE different from last year? Without doing something differently than you did last year, this year won’t be any different from last year. Promising yourself things are going to be different is great, but without concrete action toward these different goals you will end up in the same place you were last year — making promises about how “next year” will be different and we will have lost another year.
That doesn’t sound like much of a plan.
So, here is your reality check. List below the handful of things you are going to DO differently this year so you can BE different this year. They don’t have to be big changes to be effective. Sometimes a small adjustment can bring about major outcomes.
But you Do have to Do something different if you want to BE something different.
Ol’ Blue Eyes had it right…it’s all about the Do BE Do…
So, this year DO something different so you can BE somebody different.
Mike Glenn is an authentic communicator. Preaching to his Brentwood Baptist Church congregation on Sunday mornings and at Kairos on Tuesday evenings, he communicates in a way that is impacting thousands. Mike is also a writer, working on a second book— soon to be released. Catch Mike’s blogs on, where he gives an honest, thought-provoking perspective on God’s truth and how it will change you. You can connect with Mike at or