Embrace the Leadership Process

* A Catalyst nugget inspired by Perry Noble


Rome was not built in a day, and neither are leaders.

But in a culture that moves quickly, and feels entitled to — well, just about everything — it can be hard for leaders (young leaders especially) to embrace the leadership process.

What is the leadership process?

Well, it’s a combination of: faithfully following Jesus + using your gifts (right where you are) + being a good steward of every opportunity your given + trusting that God will use you (as He desires), and leaving it at that.

Sure, there’s probably more that could be added to this equation, but it’s a pretty good place to begin.

The truth is that waiting is hard.

Growing takes time and patience.

And far too many of us are obsessed with the BIG stage, BIG platform, BIG leadership kinds of roles we see being lived out by other Christian leaders.

We want what they have — without giving much consideration to how God has created us, to who God has called us, to why God has us where we are today, or what God wants to do in us and through us.

For some reason, we — at times — desire what others have, instead of what God is trying to give us.

We are ready to trade in what God is doing right before us — for what we perceive God to be doing in and through someone else.

And of course, we rarely take into account exactly how God got those leaders to the place where they could be used in the ways that they are now.

Are we ready to go through similar trials, struggles, or failures?

Are we willing to do the hard work of having our character shaped and formed through the mundane and obscurity of life?

We might — in the moment — say yes.

But I don’t know if we really mean it, or if we’re truly ready for it.

Great leaders are slowly grown over the course of a lifetime of faithfulness. There are no shortcuts.