Call me crazy, but with the launch of Shaping Their Future just a few days away now, I figured it might be time to get started on my next book.
CAMPUS gODS: Exposing the Idols That Can Derail Your Present and Destroy Your Future
How’s that sound for a working title?
Unlike Shaping Their Future, CAMPUS gODS will be geared towards college students and (as the title suggests) will explore those things that often derail a student’s faith during their formative college years.
And here’s how you can help…
Will you take 90 seconds to fill out this survey? I’ve identified a number of “campus gods” that I plan to address in my writing, but I want to know how prevalent these issues are on YOUR campus.
I also want to figure out WHAT I’M MISSING. I’m sure there are some “campus gods” that you’re seeing on your campuses — or in your college student(s) — that are not currently on my radar.
So what are those things that are getting your student’s attention — to the extent that it’s literally becoming a god in their life? It’s not that they’re bad things — in and of themselves — they’re just playing a distorted role in the lives of today’s students.
Will you help me?
It should only take about 90 seconds.
ALSO, I’m looking for a few folks who might be willing to read some early drafts of this work-in-progress. If you think you might have time and space in your schedule over the course of the next few months to do this, please let me know.