This past spring I spent the term talking with the students in my class about how we are formed by God.
We read some great stuff. Explored some big questions. Engaged in some different practices that have been used by Christians throughout history.
We talked a lot about where we are, where we have been, and where we would like to be – spiritually speaking.
And then we talked about how our spiritual life isn’t separate and distinct from the rest of our life, but they are intimately and intricately entwined.
I often used the phrase, “God is not formulaic. God seems to rarely work in the same way(s).”
But then I would go on to scribble out this “formula” on the whiteboard:
I would go on to describe that “X” represents us – our “efforts.” What we can control. The way(s) we pursue God and posture ourselves before God. This isn’t about “earning” our way to God – or anything like that, but instead, what we bring to our relationship with God.
The “+” clearly identifies the fact that what we “do,” we do not do alone. We are a part of the equation – we have a role to play – but we are not in this alone. A critical part of our “work” is to create space for God in our lives, or to be a willing co-laborer in our faith development, or to make sure that we are not working against God in the formation of our heart and soul. It is not all up to us.
The “Y” represents God. The “Y” signifies the work that is God’s to do. This is not something we can hurry, or manufacture, or overly influence. God’s work is God’s and God’s alone to do. As the author of all life, God invites us to work with God in our ongoing formation. God drives this. God has a plan. And, I believe, God waits for us to be ready for the work He wants to do within us.
The “=” represents a movement towards a “result” of some sort. The “results” we get are not of our own making – if we want them to be anything significant – but instead are what becomes of what we have to offer (X) and however God chooses to work with that (Y).
Just as significant, the “=” represents God’s timing. The “Y” represents God’s work and the “=” represents God’s timing. Both of these elements our completely outside of our control. God’s timing is rarely the timing we would choose – especially in a time when we are so obsessed with “instant.”
Finally, the “Z” represents the transforming product – you and me. This “work in progress” is rarely what we anticipate when we set off on our journey with God. We might envision growth, change, or formation in this way or that – but seldom in the way(s) that God brings about. “Z” is also an element that is outside of our control.
What do you think about this?
Sure, there are other elements that can (and should) influence this work. But at it’s most basic, is this how you understand the spiritual formation process?
I don’t know that it should ever be boiled down to such a simple form, but I found it helpful as a starting place for many of my students that were new to the idea of spiritual formation.
Much more can be said, but this seems like a good spot to stop and think some more.
What are your thoughts? How do you talk with your students about how we work with God in our ongoing spiritual formation?