On Helping Students to Push Through

There’s a light at the end of the tunnel.

We’ve reached the middle of the spring term.

And with that, students have gleefully departed from campus for a much-needed break… and we hope that they’ll come back ready to finish the academic year strong.

But for many, finishing well will be a major struggle.

The reality is that we are now stepping into the most academically challenging time of the year.

Not because professors back load the semester with more work, or because the institution puts a greater emphasis on the latter half of the academic year; but because students are tired…

And they want to be outside enjoying the spring weather…

And they want to be done with all of the homework, papers, exams and stress for a while.

So many students will slowly fade throughout the rest of the semester…

And with a couple of months left before that end, there’s a potential for a lot of academic frustration.

So I wonder, how might we assist our students to finish well?

Believing that they have been called to be students for this season of life, how can we encourage them to “push through” such that they might experience the kind of fruitful endurance that James talks about in chapter 1 of his epistle?

More than just the opportunity to positively impact their GPA, how our students choose to finish out there semester will also provide the opportunity for them to lean into God — testing their faith, refining their character and proving to themselves that all things are possible with Christ!

There is a light at the end of the tunnel… but it in an ‘instant’ culture, it still seems like it’s a long way off.


  • How can we help our students to be academically faithful during their final weeks of class?
  • How do we challenge them to finish well, so that they don’t look back on this time of the year with regret?
  • How do we help them to understand the connection between their calling and their academic faithfulness?

I’d love to know what you think about this.

Please take a moment to share your thoughts in the comment section below.