Steering New Students Away From Leadership

I have very few “pocket speeches” that I pull out and use over and over again.

I find that every student is unique, as is their situation, and it (and they) deserves to be treated as such.

However, at the start of every new school year there is one speech (conversation is probably a more accurate description) that I seem to present over and over and over again…

When new students approach me about finding a place to lead (and more specific to our campus — to lead worship) I tell them all the same thing:

Find a place to belong first, then look for ways to invest your gifts.

Should Your Ministry Have a Blog? is not a central part of my ministry with students.

Yes, it informs my work in a number of ways, but it is not geared towards students — it’s geared towards people who walk with college students, and invest in them on a consistent basis.

But it’s been through my work here that I’ve become increasingly convinced that I needed to add a second blog to my online work — one that is geared towards college students, and specific to the Belmont community.

We’ve been at it for over a year now — and we’re still working to find a good rhythm, as well as content that draws students in — but I’m thoroughly convinced that having a blog is a MUST for ministry with this generation of college students!

Technology: What is Essential for Ministry?

I’ll be the first to admit — I’m not the most tech-savvy person I know.

In fact, I really dragged my feet when it came to:

getting a cell phone and
getting on Facebook
But I must say, that after slowly easing my way into the waters of technology and social media, I’ve really come to enjoy much of what it has to offer.

So yesterday I posed the questions (on Twitter, Facebook and Google+):

If you have all 3: a smartphone, ipad/tablet and laptop/pc – which do you use the most? Why? Which of these 3 would you give up first if you had to? Why?

Ideas for May

It’s May!

That typically means the end of the academic year… unless that came in April for you. Either way, it’s time to start thinking about saying good-bye to students and preparing for a different season of ministry life – the summer.