Creating Space [For What’s Necessary]

Well, we’re nearing the end of July and plans for the upcoming year are starting to take final form. I’m not sure what this process has been like for you, but for us, there have been a lot of changes, edits, additions and subtractions from the model of ministry we were serving out of last year.

In a lot of ways I think our ministry models need to be in a constant state of flux, always with the ability to change in order to better meet the needs of the students we serve, as it seems most appropriate and feasible.

Small Group Involvement Declines

According to the latest research put out by Barna, regular involvement faith-related small groups among teens has drastically declined over the last 13 years.

This finding confirms what I’ve been seeing on my current campus over the past 5 years. In fact, over the course of my 13 years in campus ministry I believe I’ve seen the rise and fall (and in some cases, the rise again) of the ‘big three’ programing elements: worship, small groups and outreach.