Hospitality: More Than Greeters & Coffee

Somewhat ironically, though not surprisingly, I’m sitting in a coffee shop reflecting on the idea of hospitality.

At the Edge House, the place where I engage college students at the University of Cincinnati, I have often described my approach as a mix of discipleship and hospitality.

We think hospitality is a pretty critical metaphor for the Gospel.

But when I use the word hospitality, I sometimes hear reactions which betray a misunderstanding of the biblical/Jewish/Christian practice of hospitality.

Cell Phones, Social Etiquette and A Lack of Hospitality

I’m not that old, yet I can remember a time when — while walking across campus — the only thing you could look at were the other people you were passing by.

Your eyes would connect at some distance — and then you’d have a matter of seconds to figure out how you would greet this person that was walking directly towards you.

You had to engage.

Or create a fairly awkward moment.