Announcing the 4th Annual Back-to-School Blogathon!

Faith ON Campus is excited to announce the next Blogathon:

Back to School | August 6-8, 2013!

I know it probably feels like the summer just started — but the reality is that the new school year is just around the corner — so with that in mind, it’s time to make plans and preparations for this upcoming opportunity to come together for some collective thinking and sharing about how to make the most of this critical time of the year!

That’s what the Back to School Blogathon is all about!

Navigating the Potholes of Leadership (in the Year Ahead)

I recently ran across this quote while re-reading Parker Palmer’s, Let Your Life Speak:

We will become better teachers not by trying to fill the potholes in our souls but by knowing them so well that we can avoid falling into them. (Parker Palmer, Let Your Life Speak, p. 52)

As I read and re-read those words, something resonated deep within me, and I was able to see how these wise words apply for beyond the scope of teaching — to touch most of life really.

Given the work that we do with students, my first thought was to replace the word teachers in the aforementioned quote, with the word leaders (or pastors or equippers:

When Choosing Between Great and (Potentially) Greater

So I’ve got one last post (for now anyway) on the interesting leadership experiment taking place within the San Francisco 49ers organization.

Earlier this week I posted on what young leaders could learn from Colin Kaepernick — the 24-year old quarterback that has been thrust to the helm of a Super Bowl contender.

I also posted on what established leaders might learn from Alex Smith — the long-time starting QB for the 49ers — who had helped to lead the Niners to a 6-2-1 record this season, before getting injured a few weeks ago, and subsequently been replaced by his back-up.

Today I’d like to focus on the man behind this grand leadership experiment — 49ers head coach, Jim Harbaugh.

I think what I’m most taken with is his willingness to take (what appears to be) such a BIG risk.