Last summer I had the chance to lead a couple of workshops on Social Networking as Ministry at the United Methodist Collegiate Ministries ‘Prepare’ Conference.
It was a lot of fun and generated some great conversation.
I made sure that they knew I did not consider myself to be an “expert” in the area of social networking and let them know that there’s a lot for us to learn from one another as we think about having a pastoral e-presence.
Have you heard about Google+ yet? OK, but have you taken the time to check it out? Or try it out?
If not, let me be the first to introduce you to this growing addition to the social media world… and tell you that its intent is to rival Facebook for our all-purpose social networking allegiance.
I found this 4-minute video that does a pretty good job of describing what Google+ is all about:
Photo courtesy of: Updated 3/16/12 Do your college students still read books? I’m not talking about text books (but statistics would […]