Claim Your Baggage

Ready or not… a new year of ministry has begun (or will soon begin).

And the reality is that some of us… are not ready.

Many more of us find ourselves much less ready than we’d like to be.

Some of us find ourselves in a place of spiritual, emotional or mental distress.

We don’t feel ready for a new year.

Not for the return of students, the start of classes or the work of serving as pastor to a rapidly moving community.

The Messianic Virus

Is it just me, or does it often feel like there aren’t enough hours in the day to do all of the things that we want (or need) to do?

As pastors we can find ourselves sought out for a variety of reasons.

And we can give ourselves to a lot of different ministry-related tasks and to-do’s.

Some of this happens for good reasons, some for the wrong reasons and some due to no decision of our own.

But I find myself wondering how frequently many of us get sidetracked, or even sidelined, by giving too much of our time and attention to the wrong things.