When ‘Walmart’ Moves to Town


What do you do when a bigger, more well-known, more financially funded ministry moves in just down the street from you?

Rumor has it that this may be happening to us.

A very successful young adult ministry at a church about 20 minutes from our campus is rumored to be creating a satellite campus at the edge of our campus. This move would likely thwart many of the efforts that our young ministry has worked very hard at over the past few years.

We’re not exactly sure what this will mean for us… how we will do what we do… or want to do.

One of the big conversations I’ve been having with some of you relates to the relationship between the campus and the church… and it looks like I might be forced to navigate some uncharted waters for me, our ministry here, and our campus community soon.

Have you experienced anything like this before? If so, how’d it go?

If I’m honest with you, I feel uneasy. My spirit senses that this could provide an immediate boost to our campus, but ultimately, leave us in a weakened state as an institution that is desperately trying to retain/gain its Christian identity.

I’d love to hear any words of wisdom on this out there.

Please pray for our God’s will to be done on our campus and in the lives of our students – for His glory!!

Grace and peace.

3 thoughts on “When ‘Walmart’ Moves to Town

  1. Perhaps it would be a good idea to sit down with the satellite campus coming next door and see if you can work together rather than against each other. We are of the same body with a common purpose.

  2. I would be forthright and ask the leaders why they did not contact any and all active campus ministries, their leaders, and active students from the beginning. This would allow this “successful young adult ministry” to understand the context and work with the ministries. They may of even discovered that a satellite campus (I’m assuming a video venue) is a ver bad idea…or not.

  3. I would be excited and look at this as a positive!  More resources for reaching more people for the Kingdom of God.  
    Before doing anything, I would pray a lot.  Asking God for His heart in the matter.  
    If we have the same vision and mission then I would seek for ways we could work together. 
    I would try very hard to remember that this ministry is actually God’s and not “ours”. 🙂 

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