Without Vision the Students Perish

Why do 80% of freshman punt their faith? Why do so many graduates enter the “real world” with the best of intentions to love God and serve Him, only to become shelved in the faith, taken out of the race? There is no silver bullet answer to this. It could be dormant sin issues that rise to the surface. It could be selfish apathy, the temptations of the world, or the snares set by the enemy. It could be pressure from parents, a relationship, but for many it is the pressure of the American Dream – to have the “good life” – that distracts, busies, and takes them away from God’s desire for their lives.

Is there something we as campus ministry leaders can do to turn students from the lies that hold so many in the church captive? We can and should confront sin, teach the truth, and counsel wisely. But I am convinced most students and many leaders suffer from a vision for their life that is pea-sized. It will take nothing less than a vision for their lives that is eternal, significant, noble, beautiful, and worthy of abandoning all else. It will take an experience of this vision, this reality that this is what God is doing around the world and they can join Him. Nothing else will cause them to turn away from their sin, their false pressures, and all the world will throw at them with joy than the beauties of Christ and His vision for their lives. Only when this more worthy vision is set before them will they abandon these lesser things. As Steve Hawthorne, editor of Perspectives states, “you can choose not to join God in His global purpose to further His glory, but it will always be something lesser.”

So how can students and graduates “go” equipped and compelled by a vision for their lives that is as big as history and large as the globe? By having a clear vision of who God has called them to be and what God has called them to do. I want to focus on the latter.

Is there a primary thing God is up to in this world? Is there a primary mission we are to be about more anything else? Is there one central task God has called the church to do? Yes! To proclaim His glory and gospel to all nations. In five commissions, Jesus calls us to a world-wide vision to reach all nation with His gospel (Mt 28:19-20, Mk 16:15, Lk 24:47, Jn 20:21, Acts 1:8). In Matthew 28, Jesus calls all Christians to “disciple all nations.” As Stott says this requires “the whole Church to take the whole gospel to the whole world.” Since Genesis, God has not had a different plan other than to bless his family of faith that they might bless all nations so that all peoples might know and worship the one true God. Only when students get this vision for their lives will they move from pea-sized Christians to global Christians. Only then will they stop chasing the other gods of this world. Don’t we hope, and pray and labor so they will abandon all, live in unswerving obedience, and sacrifice their lives for the cause of Christ around the world? I believe this is what we all signed up for.

So how do you get this DNA of “all nations” in them? Get this more in you. If this is God’s primary passion and purpose and we love Him, shouldn’t we share His heart and His mission? GO to the unreached peoples of the world. SEND others sacrificially through your finances or training. WELCOME the nations on your campus who are severely isolated in our country and rarely enter an American home. MOBILIZE others by educating, equipping, and challenging students that there is nothing greater they can do with their lives. PRAY for the nations at all your meetings. Get these 5 habits of a world Christian in you, then watch it spill over to your students. Complete their discipleship by engaging them with the nations and see God enlarge their vision. Share with them how God is working around the world. Teach them this central theme in His word. Then see if they do not give up their sin, ambitions, and dreams for themselves in exchange for a life well lived for the glory of Christ among all nations. There is nothing greater we can do.

For a Top 10 list of tools and strategies to help you and your students better share God’s heart to reach all nations and find your most strategic role in this vital mission you can click on the link below.




John Allert is the Executive Director of Campus Ministry Toolbox. CMT researches and develops tools and trainings for campus ministry leaders around the world. If you are looking for a tool, have an idea for one, or would like CMT to speak, provide personal coaching, or host a training for leaders, please contact john.allert@cmtbox.org.


3 thoughts on “Without Vision the Students Perish

  1. I tried to be a little controversial to generate some discussion:) Surely someone will question some of my assertions. Is this really THE primary mission of God in the world? Then why do we accept as “normal” that all of our resources, staff, and students stay here? Out of every $100 given to by Christians, only 16 cents goes to unreached people groups. Out of all full-time Christian workers there is only 10k foreign missionaries to unreached versus 4.2M full-time Christian workers in Christian world. Couldn’t we help change this if the task was to reach the remaining unreached people groups? Students are the most trainable and sendable group of people on the planet! Surely our focus on worship, community, fellowship, and other less important things have distracted us from this central ambition?

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