A Look at the Modern College Student

Just ran across this insightful infographic and wanted to share!


It’s not your parent’s college anymore.

With technology, the landscape of college education has done a complete turnaround. Gone are the days of notebooks, printed syllabi, and textbooks.

Now its iPads, smartphones, and ebooks.

Here’s a look at the modern college student and how they fare technologically on the university campus.

modern college student

Is there anything mentioned above that surprised you?

How does this changing reality impact your ministry with students?

What is your greatest hope, and biggest fear, as it relates to ministry with such a “connected” generation of students?


2 thoughts on “A Look at the Modern College Student

  1. I’ve taught online – a lot. It works well for a particular kind of student: highly motivated and geographically far from a traditional campus. Traditional-age students who are used to using social media don’t necessarily make the transition to educational platforms very well. They’re often savvy about the technology they use, yet confused by more formal educational applications. We teeter between Mark Bauerlein’s The Dumbest Generation and Don Tapscott’s The Digital Generation.

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