Are You Modeling A Better Way of Life?

I’m increasingly reminded of just how broken our world is.

Even within our Christian circles.

Even within our Christian ministries.

The powerful shaping influence of our culture continues to make inroads into the ways we think and lead and love.

And what’s true for us is most definitely true for our students.

With all of the advances in technology, we now have greater (and near constant) access to those influential figures and their every rave and rant. All of which can serve to shape the hearts and minds of those that we serve — and us as well.

Yet, as a people of God, I still believe that we are being called to live a sort of “set apart” life.

We are called to be in the world, but not of it.

And as leaders, in a wide variety of contexts, we are called to exemplify this kind of life — to those we lead and those we serve.

But I know this is easier said then done.

I also know that the shaping influence of our culture and cultural icons are easier seen in others than in ourselves.

So my question for you is simple:

What’s your life saying to others?

And who’s holding you accountable for living (and modeling) a “set apart” kind of life?