Why July Might Be the Best Month to Take Any Remaining Vacation Time You Have

When I think of July, I think of this…

That’s not me — and I’ve never been to this location — but it’s still what I think of when I think of July.


Well, for starters it’s typically so hot and steamy here in the greater Nashville area that if I’m outside I prefer to be someplace wet — where I can actually enjoy being outside.

But I also like the peace and relaxation this image evokes. It speaks of a slower pace of life, and inner rest, that I don’t think enough of us experience very often.

New Book: CAMPUS gODS (to Release Fall 2013)

Franklin, Tennessee, June 18, 2013—Seedbed Publishing has entered an agreement to publish Dr. Guy Chmieleski’s second book, Campus gods: Exposing the Idols that Can Derail Your Present and Destroy Your Future. (working title)

“The university campus may be the most strategic soil in the kingdom of God and we must work together to cultivate it for the twenty-first-century world, said Dr. Chmieleski. “With the dual trends of the college years as an extended period of adolescence and the rise of a highly genericized version of the Christian faith, it is imperative to creatively and compellingly infuse the whole gospel of grace and truth into the spiritual life of the campus.”

“One of Seedbed’s core commitments is to the college campus. We have a tremendous interest and energy for publishing a rich theological vision for life, faith, and future vocation geared for college students and the campus ministries who serve them,” said J. D. Walt, Seedbed’s sower-in-chief.

Here I Go Again

Many times in ministry, especially college ministry, you feel like you are walking alone. Just drifting along, trying to survive, and isolated from others in ministry.

College Ministry has been described as the Navy Seals of ministry — It’s very hard work and no one ever gives you credit when it goes well (plus, some people erroneously call us Youth Ministers, a pet peeve of mine).

I am surrounded by a great church staff, but they often fail to grasp what college ministry is or have the tools to push me in my goals and desires.

On Strengths and Weaknesses


That is my score for music/worship on any spiritual gift/talent inventory I’ve ever taken. Ok, -1 isn’t a score, but it’s my lowest category of any of them.

Growing up, I was told that you needed to spend all your time making your weaknesses better. But I would disagree. No matter how hard I work, I will still have no rhythm or be able to play most instruments. However, I am aware of that.

Knowing my weaknesses helps me delegate them.