A New Metaphor for Talking About Sex (and Relationships)

The game of baseball has long been a popular metaphor used when talking about sex and/or sexual activity.

First base.

Second base.

Third base.


You get the picture.

I can’t recall when I was first introduced to this metaphor (and conversation), but I would imagine it was sometime around the latter part of my elementary school years.

And with the over-sexualization of today’s culture, I can only imagine that kids are being exposed to this at an even younger age.

Last week I ran across this TED Talk addressing this harmful metaphor, and suggesting a new one as we think, talk, and engage in sexual activity.

And while this educator makes some great arguments, and I agree with his overall thesis and call for a change in metaphors, as a pastor there are a few areas that I feel he obviously fails to mention.

Watch the talk and see what you think:

Obviously, I think Al neglects the fact that there is a time and place for sex — specifically, within the context of a healthy marriage relationship.

And I think premise of his metaphor could be expanded beyond talking just about sexual activity to include healthy relationships in general.

The idea of shifting from being competitors to identifying and focusing on those things that will bring the very best to both parties within the relationship — whether we’re talking about sexual activity within a marriage or a growing relationship between two friends or young couples — that’s the real gold.

Talking pizza with our students — as it pertains to finding what will bring both parties the most joy and fulfillment within a relationship — sounds like a pretty good idea.

What do you think?


One thought on “A New Metaphor for Talking About Sex (and Relationships)

  1. what if you are lactose intolerant?
    Again, a good new analogy, but obivously still derives its meaning from our desires whatever they maybe. A good start.

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