Why July Might Be the Best Month to Take Any Remaining Vacation Time You Have

When I think of July, I think of this…

That’s not me — and I’ve never been to this location — but it’s still what I think of when I think of July.


Well, for starters it’s typically so hot and steamy here in the greater Nashville area that if I’m outside I prefer to be someplace wet — where I can actually enjoy being outside.

But I also like the peace and relaxation this image evokes. It speaks of a slower pace of life, and inner rest, that I don’t think enough of us experience very often.

Kingdom Work and Homework

It’s the dreaded college triangle. If you choose a social life and sleep, you sacrifice good grades. If you choose good grades and sleep, you give up the social life. If you choose a social life and good grades, then you won’t be getting sleep anytime soon.

The moment I thought I had the college triangle figured out, I began my life as a youth and college minister while still in school. At the age of 22, I was a senior in college, engaged to my high school sweet heart, and began serving as the new youth and college director. My college triangle now turned into a rectangle. So what do I choose now? Social life? Good grades? Sleep? Or ministry? What would be sacrificed because of my decision? These very real questions began to haunt my everyday life.

The Hyper-Connected Life

Just saw this new infographic and wanted to share it with you.

With a high percentage of our student population being described within these stats, what do you think about what you see here?

What are you most troubled by?

For me, it’s the section describing the impact of being hyper-connected. I’m not sure how you look at the two set of possibilities and not believe that the negative far outweighs the positive — but maybe that just me.

Where, within all of these stats, do you see opportunity for ministry and/or meaningful conversation?

The Problem With Tolerance

The problem with tolerance is both simple and complex — and has everything to do with how we understand it and attempt to live it out.

It’s simple in the sense that this cultural call to create space for those who don’t believe exactly like you speaks to the kind of charity and hospitality that we see exemplified by Christ.

This is good. And something that many of us as Christians have struggled with for a long time now.

I believe that Christians should be a living definition of charity and hospitality.

But it’s complex in that — for far too many followers of Jesus — we understand it to mean that we need to keep our beliefs and opinions to our selves.