7 Ideas On How To Help College Students Identify Their Calling

We have a unique place, and voice, in the lives of college students.

Our ministry with them is different from most other forms of ministry, primarily because of the context in which it occurs — on a college campus, during the formative college years of life.

But does our ministry reflect this unique context?

Do we help students to make the connections between their faith and their academic pursuits?

Previously I posted a some thoughts ‘On Helping College Students to Identify Their Calling [A Little Sooner].

LESS IS MORE: Reversing the Crazy Pace of Ministry

It’s a new year and I’m resolving to make some changes.

This year, in regards to how I approach ministry with college students, I’m taking a ‘LESS IS MORE’ approach.


Because what I’ve been doing has not been working.

Cramming my calendar full of meetings and overwhelming the campus calendar with more and more ministry-related opportunities has not yielded the kind of ‘fruitful results’ that I’ve hoped for.