When Men Invest In Men

Updated: 2/13/12

There’s something special that takes place when guys come together for the sake of learning and growing deeper in their walk with the Lord.

Groups like this have been some of the best things I have ever been a part of in the past! Men coming together to connect with other men and talk about life and faith and such.

My first experience came when I was a freshman in college. I was a new Christian, young in my faith, and for whatever reason I was given the chance to be a part of a group of guys that was meeting regularly with the campus pastor.

This time and space became the place where I learned what it meant to be a man who sought hard after God. I learned what it looked like to be open, honest, vulnerable and accountable. I learned how to pray for others and to be prayed for. I learned that God’s power truly is made perfect in weakness!

Too many men walk through life alone! We need more seasoned men who are willing to step up and invest in young men. We need men of all ages who are willing to walk alongside each other – willing to hold each other accountable, pray for one another and encourage one another. We need men who will follow hard after God and invite others to come along with them.

Can you image how different things might look in our relationships, marriages, homes, campuses, workplaces… our world… if more men were to put their relationship with Christ above all else?

There’s so much potential when men (and women too) gather in the name of Jesus…

But it requires intentional steps…

It requires rearranging priorities…

It requires concentrated effort…

It requires you… and others like you.

So will you?

One thought on “When Men Invest In Men

  1. Hi Guy, (I’m Tanya Downing Larson’s Dad) I like your thots posted here. In the realm of shameless promotion let me offer 2 websites that might be resources for practical ways for men (and women) to invest in each other’s lives as mutual mentors: http://www.friendmakerforgod.com (describes how to develop an accountability friendship) & centerpointsociety.com (outlines the covenant for personal and spiritual growth). Keep up the good work!!
    Gary Downing

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