Sex & the Soul Recap

As the Sex & the Soul blogathon has drawn to a close I am extremely thankful for all who contributed and participated, for the great conversations that continue to take place and for the ways God continues to shape the work we’ve been called to with college students — especially as it relates to the intersection of sex, sexuality and faith; and the powerful ways that our students are being shaped by them.

Here are just a few of the stats from the past few days:

Pages viewed = 5,528 (up more than 1000 from the last blogathon)

Visits to Faith ON Campus = 1,194 (up by almost 150)

Unique visitors = 945 (up over 100)

Different countries involved = 32 (up 7)

Comments = 43 (up 15 — but this number still seems very low to me, and I’m not sure why that is, but I’d love to see this number jump significantly at future blogathons!)

Conversations = 14 (officially — contributors were a little harder to come by for this blogathon.  I’m not sure if this had more to do with the time of year or the nature of our content…)

Authors = 12 (A special thanks to all who contributed!)

Average number of pages viewed per visit = 4.63 (up from 3.96)

Days = 3

If you missed any of the great posts, and conversations, from the past few days you can get caught up to speed by jumping over to the Sex & the Soul homepage.

Again, thanks to all of you who contributed and participated in this great event. You continue to challenge, encourage and shape me and the ministry I have with college students.  I hope and pray that you are equally edified through your participation in events like this!

And let’s keep the conversations going!!!  That’s one of the greatest features of the blogathon… there’s nothing to stop us from continuing the significant dialog(s) that have been started over the past few days.

2 thoughts on “Sex & the Soul Recap

  1. Thanks for hosting it, Guy. I enjoyed it and look forward to the next blogathon. I like any “-athon” that doesn’t involve any actual physical running!

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