Top Posts for February


Is it true? Is spring really just around the corner?

It’s hard to believe that February has come and gone… I’m not sure about where you live, but here in Nashville it sure didn’t feel like “February” much of the month — and I’m OK with that!

It’s been another great month here at Faith ON Campus… and here are the Top 10 most viewed posts for the month.


10. Why Relationships Are Considered Too Risky, But the Hookup Culture “Safe” and Easy

Statistically speaking, more than half of our students are coming from homes where they’ve seen and experienced the pain of a broken marriage. And many students have probably experienced the personal pain and sense of rejection that the breakup of a young relationship can inflict. And when you add to this fear, the challenges (and perceived challenges) that come in “slowly” getting to know someone in a culture of “instant”… Keep reading…

9. True Love is Tired of Waiting | Ashlee Alley

I work with college students who often want to talk with me about something that is bothering them.  And it is not uncommon for that “something” to be related to a relationship, their desire for a relationship, or their recovery from a broken relationship.  It’s just where they (and we as humanity) live most of our lives.

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8. Overcoming A Culture Of Instant Gratification

There seems to be a lot working against the (slow) development of healthy relationships today. We live in an instant society. We want things and we want them now. And yet, most of us can remember a time not too long ago, when things weren’t so “instant.” That’s not the case for the majority of our students however… Keep reading…

7. Healthy God-Centered Sexuality | Joy Eggerichs

We have all heard the word “chastity.”  I’m not sure about you, but the word that immediately follows that in my head is…”belt.” And I’m pretty sure that belt is made of iron…and has a rusty key. FUN!

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6. Dealing With Sexual Shame | Vance Rains

In the Fall semester, I met with four different women who each had woken to discover that they had sex the previous night, but had no memory of it. In each case, the women had been drinking. In two cases, a date-rape drug may have been used. In one case, the sexual partner was a male “best friend,” whom the woman had assumed she was safe with. In another case… Keep reading…

5. Cohabitation Conundrums | Joy Eggerichs

How can we respond to young people who want to live together before marriage? I am referring to my son and other friends in their late 20′s. I am trying to be quiet and work with it but it is very awkward. What do you say to young people about this topic? Would you recommend any books or speakers? Keep reading…

4. Are Boundaries Realistic? | Sarah Francis Martin

I’ve seen a movement with my young adult friends living in intense relationships (more than just casual dating) to set up boundaries. When a girlfriend of mine explained that she and her serious boyfriend sat down and set very specific boundaries for the physical side of their relationship, part of me at first thought this was old-fashioned. Keep reading…

3. Reclaiming the Formative Years: A College Minister’s Manifesto

Reclaiming the Formative Years is a small eBook about the significance of helping students to connect their faith to their formative university years. This short manifesto is a call to all college pastors, parent, professors, mentors, coaches, directors, student leaders, et al. to remember the significance of this time in the lives of students… and to invest wisely! Keep reading…


2. What Every College-Aged Women Needs to Know | Stephanie S. Smith

When it comes to sexuality and relationship decision-making, the unfortunate reality is that many young women do not feel empowered to go against the flow of our hyper-sexualized culture. But as mentors and leaders of college students, you have a unique opportunity to speak into a young woman’s life and affirm her right and responsibility to make good choices. Keep reading…


1. Why Abstinence Isn’t Working In America

The call to young Christians to be abstinent until marriage is not working. Why do I say that? The September/October 2011 issue of Relevant Magazine, in an article entitled (Almost) Everyone’s Doing It, starts with the following revelation…

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