Top Posts for May 2013

June is here!

And I hope you have gotten fully in to your summer rhythm by now.

May was a different kind of month here at! This May, much like last May, became a month for a different kind of writing.

Last May’s efforts produced Shaping Their Future: Mentoring Students Through Their Formative College Years. It’s a resource geared towards parents, pastors, professors, coaches, employers, etc. — really anyone who might serve as a mentor to students during some of the most formative years of their lives.

Well, this May’s efforts were geared towards a book for students — and I hope to share more information with you soon! So, stay tuned.

That being said, there were a number of great guest posts this month — BIG “thanks!” to all who took the time to contribute.

Here were May’s most viewed posts at!


time mangement10. Kingdom Work and Homework | Josh Waugh

It’s the dreaded college triangle. If you choose a social life and sleep, you sacrifice good grades. If you choose good grades and sleep, you give up the social life. If you choose a social life and good grades, then you won’t be getting sleep anytime soon.

The moment I thought I had the college triangle figured out, I began my life as a youth and college minister while still in school. At the age of 22, I was a senior in college, engaged to my high school sweet heart, and began serving as the new youth and college director. My college triangle now turned into a rectangle. So what do I choose now? Social life? Good grades? Sleep? Or ministry? What would be sacrificed because of my decision? These very real questions began to haunt my everyday life. (Keep reading…)

Hereigoagain9. Here I Go Again | Ryan Brooks

Many times in ministry, especially college ministry, you feel like you are walking alone. Just drifting along, trying to survive, and isolated from others in ministry.

College Ministry has been described as the Navy Seals of ministry — It’s very hard work and no one ever gives you credit when it goes well (plus, some people erroneously call us Youth Ministers, a pet peeve of mine). (Keep reading…)

dont speak8. The Problem With Tolerance

The problem with tolerance is both simple and complex — and has everything to do with how we understand it and attempt to live it out.

It’s simple in the sense that this cultural call to create space for those who don’t believe exactly like you speaks to the kind of charity and hospitality that we see exemplified by Christ.

This is good. And something that many of us as Christians have struggled with for a long time now. (Keep reading…)

Play 60 Kid7. On Helping Students Dream Big, Responsibly and Realistically

It’s the time of year when campus goes quiet and graduating students begin to face the reality of life after college.

And for some students, this new reality will mean be a major challenge.

I recently ran across this humorous commercial that seems to have captured (for me) one of the challenges today’s students struggle with — dreaming big while still being responsible and realistic. (Keep reading…)

couple_couch6. How Far Is Too Far? | Hanna Easley

“If God was looking down on you, would it look any different to Him?”

I was in college and struggling with setting physical boundaries with my current boyfriend. I knew that God intended sex for within the confines of marriage and believed there were consequences if I disobeyed, but I wasn’t sure where the line was. How far is too far? I knew I felt shame and guilt for some of the behavior I had engaged in, but was it really wrong or was I over re-acting?

I shared these thoughts with my friend and mentor, Jenn. (Read more…)

Lies5. 4 Sex Lies College Students Believe | Michael Johnson

In my 10 years of sharing with singles (primarily college students) I’ve zeroed in on four lies I think we need to overcome in order to lead our students into sexual freedom and, more importantly, their true identity in Christ. (Keep reading…)

image4. Shaping Their Future

About the book:

The college years are some of the most formative years of life. The context of the university campus is unlike any other – rich with educated voices, diversity, freedom, opportunity, and space for students to explore – who they are and who they are becoming. However, for far too many students today, the formative college years are being wasted. In a lot of ways college has become high school – Part 2, but with a lot of debt incurred. The college experience demands a transition, or series of transitions, and our young adults need to be encouraged to work with God to make the most of their formative college years. (Keep reading…)

The College Ministry Year Cover3. The College Ministry Year: 12 Months of Ideas

The College Ministry Year: 12 Months of Ideas is a short eResource designed to encourage and inspire you as you think and dream about ministry with college students.

There is no magical formula for ministry with college students. At best, what I offer here is a list of ideas that need to be prayerfully considered in terms of your own ministry context and unique community of students. (Keep reading…)


The Faith ON Campus Fall Forum is a two-day event held on the campus of Belmont University, in Nashville, TN on October 23rd & 24th, 2013.

This year’s event will feature extended conversations with author and leadership guru, Dr. Tim Elmore. (Keep reading…)

image1. My #iMentor Story | Koby Miller

I didn’t grow up desiring to someday be a mentor. I “fell” into it when a colleague suggested I interview for a Resident Director (R.D.) position. I was looking for a new job and it seemed like an adventure — especially since the university was in Southern California!!!

After over 20 years of R.D. life and serving with over 170 Resident Assistants (R.A.s), I can truly say that I am a different person from interacting and walking with many wonderful college students. (Keep reading…)

And there you have it!

(*) This list excludes posts found on the Top Posts of All-Time list — in order to highlight other great posts.


If you like the kinds of conversations you’ve found here at, then I highly encourage you to check out The 2013 Faith ON Campus FALL FORUM! This year I will be joined by author and leadership guru Tim Elmore for a two-day conversation about the unique challenges and opportunities that exist in mentoring this generation of college students! Find out more here. And check out my book on mentoring college students entitled Shaping Their Future here.