Top Posts of March 2013



It’s April 1st! But this list is NO JOKE.

March was another great month at and included a first ever Book Launch!

Thanks to all who helped get #ShapingTheirFutureBook out there! I hope it adds to our collective work with college students across this nation.

We also launched a new initiative — the #iMentor Intiative. If you don’t know what it is, check it out here.

And thanks to all who have sent in stories for the #iMentor Initiative — I’d love to feature your story too!

Here are the posts that were most viewed during the month of March!

A special word of “Thanks!” to all who contributed guest posts.


heart balance10. The Objectification of Women | Vance Rains

For the past 10 years, I have been privileged to be the pastor, counselor, mentor, “Dad,” spiritual guide, and friend to hundreds upon hundreds of students at Florida State University.

We’ve discussed everything from theology to dating to vocations and callings. We’ve laughed together, and we’ve cried. Some talks have brightened my days, and some have broken my heart.

Among the heartbreakers, a persistent, nagging theme has recently emerged via three different, but related, issues… (Read more…)

CelebateSex_CvrLoRes19. Maids and Margaritas and Sex on Warm Sand | Abbie Smith

What would it look like to be content in our waiting and with our sexuality, as both singles and marrieds, not because we’re perfect at waiting for sex or we’re perfectly sexual but because we’re content in our humanity, in our femininity and masculinity, in our longing for union with the trinity? (Read more…)

too busy 28. The Funny Thing About “Too Busy”

Too busy.

It describes many of our lifestyles — and many of our students’ lifestyles as well.

And sadly, we more often wear this characteristic as a badge of honor, rather than an indictment on our collective misuse of time.

Our culture has come to equate an overly full schedule and unhealthy pace of life with importance, significance, and they way of success. (Read more…)

dont speak7. The Problem With Tolerance

The problem with tolerance is both simple and complex — and has everything to do with how we understand it and attempt to live it out.

It’s simple in the sense that this cultural call to create space for those who don’t believe exactly like you speaks to the kind of charity and hospitality that we see exemplified by Christ.

This is good. And something that many of us as Christians have struggled with for a long time now.

I believe that Christians should be a living definition of charity and hospitality.

But it’s complex in that — for far too many followers of Jesus — we understand it to mean that we need to keep our beliefs and opinions to our selves. (Read more…)

20130327-065426.jpg6. My #iMentor Story | Josh Waugh

Growing up in a larger church, you would think that I could go through youth group picking the best mentors out there and entering college as the next Billy Graham.

That’s what everyone would think at least.

In reality, it was not until my freshmen year of high school that my Sunday School teacher and I began a relationship that changed my life forever. Harry Barber (yes, that’s his real name), who was my interim youth minister and incredible mentor, worked together with me every week for a year and a half as he taught me how to lead my peers at church. We did life together and I learned by watching his example. (Read more…)

couple_couch5. How Far is Too Far? | Hanna Easley

“If God was looking down on you, would it look any different to Him?”

I was in college and struggling with setting physical boundaries with my current boyfriend. I knew that God intended sex for within the confines of marriage and believed there were consequences if I disobeyed, but I wasn’t sure where the line was. How far is too far? I knew I felt shame and guilt for some of the behavior I had engaged in, but was it really wrong or was I over re-acting?

I shared these thoughts with my friend and mentor, Jenn. (Read more…)

naked truth4. The Naked Truth About Sex in College | Chad Logan

The primary reason that college students leave their faith in college is their personal desire for sexual freedom and its incompatibility with religious morality.

Approximately 65% of all college students have had sex.

25% of college women’s first encounter with sex was unwanted or forced.

Less than 30% of college students have had a healthy conversation with their parents about the “birds and the bees” (Read more…)

i-students3. 9 Reasons Why You Should Be Ministering to International Students — YESTERDAY | Tyler Ellis

Approximately 20 million college students attend universities in the US and approximately one million of them are international students.

Do the math. That means roughly one out of every 20 college students in the US is from another country!

It’s time for us to be more intentional about reaching international students. That’s why I’ve written this Two Part series. So before I share some ideas for HOW to minister to international students, let’s first consider nine reasons WHY: (Read more…)

neuroplasticity2. Sex in the Digital Age: What You Need to Remember About the Perspective of Young Adults | Christy Ridings

The digital age has completely changed any conversation relating to sex. Statistics tell us that by the time a college student arrives on campus, they have been exposed to sexually explicit material for an average of seven years.

Those of us who work with students on a regular basis recognize the emotional and spiritual toll this takes on those on our campuses. We see the numbness, the apathy and the brokenness that often accompanies this saturation of explicit material. (Read more…)

Lies1.  4 Sex Lies that College Students Believe | Michael Johnson

In my 10 years of sharing with singles (primarily college students) I’ve zeroed in on four lies I think we need to overcome in order to lead our students into sexual freedom and, more importantly, their true identity in Christ. (Keep reading…)

And there you have it!

(*) This list excludes posts found on the Top Posts of All-Time list — in order to highlight other great posts.


If you like the kinds of conversations you’ve found here at, then I highly encourage you to check out The 2013 Faith ON Campus Summer Institute! This year I will be joined by author and leadership guru Tim Elmore for a two-day conversation about the unique challenges and opportunities that exist in mentoring this generation of college students! Find out more here. And find out how to win your ticket to the conference here.


One thought on “Top Posts of March 2013

  1. Some great posts here, Guy! Thanks for letting me contribute to the conversation. God is GOOD to use people like us.

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