Top Posts for May 2012

Count me “officially” back!

After a month away from the blog, it’s only fitting that my first post back serve as one that both “thanks” and cElEbrAtEs! those who filled in for me during the month of May.

Thank you, Thank You, THANK YOU!

Your contributions to the conversations happening here at are so appreciated! And are to be celebrated!

Therefore, this month’s Top Posts are a highlight real of all of the great guest posts that were offered up!

Take a moment to read any you might have missed… and voice your own word of thanks in the post’s comments section to the author who took the time to conceive of, craft, and then share with us their meaningful post.

imgresCampus Ministry As Bridge, Not An Island | Jamie Johnson

The other day I wandered into the woods of a local park.

The combination of a coffee drink in one hand (a prerequisite in the Northwest) and a sunny day in April (a rarity in the Northwest) brought me and my two boys to a muddy little creek tucked behind a set of tennis courts in the very same park I had played in as a little boy. Keep reading…

avengersEven Superheros Accomplish More On A Team | Emily Harrison

If you haven’t seen the Avengers movie yet, you should! The movie got me thinking about how vital teamwork in ministry is because lets face it, no matter how cool or relevant we are, or how big our campus meetings get, college ministry will not be sustainable without a team. Keep reading…

54569_full-lndThree Ways to Strengthen Your Legs Before Next Year’s Ministry Marathon | Cor Chmieleski

A short story: I ran my first marathon in 2002.

It was the Twin Cities marathon, accurately billed as the most beautiful urban marathon in the U.S.

To prepare I read the book, “A Beginner’s Guide to Running a Marathon,” thoroughly following its instructions for practice runs.

I was ready. Keep reading…

gotta singSilent Halls Have Great Acoustics | Tanya Larson

When I heard that MCA died this weekend, my arms went limp. I haven’t bought a Beastie Boys album in almost a decade but I felt like a cousin had died and nobody in the family even told me he was in the hospital. I wanted to say, “If you would have told me, I could have gone and visited him! At least I could have sent him some flowers!” Keep reading…

unframedUnframed: The Shared Responsibility for Ministering to Collegiates | Zach Allen & friends

Ephesians 2:10 says that college students are God’s workmanship…His masterpiece, they are created in Jesus to do good works that God outlined in His syllabus that they’d be involved in (yes, this is a paraphrase). Many students get to the university a work of art in progress. We can help provide them a frame in which to mount their life to the glory of God. Keep reading…

CollageOn BIG Idea for Keeping Supporters Invested In Your Campus Ministry | Tyler Ellis

“Thank you so much for including your Campus Ministry reports in the church bulletin every week.   They’re really encouraging and they help us keep up with what God’s doing on campus.” Comments like these are common on Sundays at the local church that sponsors the Campus Ministry I direct at the University of Delaware. Starting… Keep reading…

ushersyndrome_interpreter_GUA Dark Place; Not Hopeless | Elizabeth Brandow

Gallaudet University (GU) is one of the only known Deaf Universities in the world, where students flock from all over the world to receive a prestigious education, since 1864. With only have about 1,800 students attending, many leave after their undergraduate or after receiving a masters or Ph.D. But what’s missing? Keep reading…

don't forgetEvaluating Before Hibernating | Chris Zeigler

For most of us the school year has now come to an end.

The natural reaction is to breathe a sigh of relief and start packing for the beach. However, judging by the fact that you’re reading this post you realize that, while the summer means more time to rest, there’s still work to be done.

So before you enter the period of college ministry hibernation, take some time to assess this past year, while it’s still fresh in your mind. Keep reading…

brideI Love Jesus and I Love His Church | Peter White

We need a redeemed and transformed ecclesiology.

Ecclesiology is simply a big seminary word for the way we think and talk about and practice this thing called Church.

It comes from the Greek word ekklesia, which means “a public gathering of people,” and is the word that gets translated “church” in the New Testament. Keep reading…

seminaryJust Keep Breathing: 3 Reasons You Should Consider Seminary | Andy Campbell

I remember a pastor once referred to seminary as “cemetery” because “that’s where promising pastors go to die.” Like most maxims, I’m sure there was a kernel of truth in that statement somewhere. But seminary isn’t just for pastors anymore. Nor is it only for people with plans to enter into full-time, paid ministry.

People from all walks of life with all different kinds of aspirations are increasingly entering into seminary as an opportunity to work out their “callings.” Keep reading…

hospitalityHospitality: More Than Greeters & Coffee | Chris Bean

Somewhat ironically, though not surprisingly, I’m sitting in a coffee shop reflecting on the idea of hospitality.

At the Edge House, the place where I engage college students at the University of Cincinnati, I have often described my approach as a mix of discipleship and hospitality.

We think hospitality is a pretty critical metaphor for the Gospel. Keep reading…

Stress-Point-Final-CoverDon’t Get Blind Sided by Life Mechancis | Sarah Francis Martin

Stepping out, taking the risk to dive into this crazy world as an adult, as Miss Independent (cue Kelly Clarkson), can be totally scary.

We like to think we are self-sufficient and not at all apprehensive about living out on our own, out from under the wings of the grown-ups in our lives. Keep reading…